Return Policy
Order Cancellation
How to cancel an order that hasn't been paid?
If your payment of an order has not been made yet, you may cancel it by clicking "Cancel order" in your account at
How to cancel an order that has been paid?
We move fast ! Our priority is getting items delivered tour customers as quickly as possible.
Orders canceled within 24 hours since paid will get full refund.
Orders canceled within 24-72 hours since paid will get 70% refund of total amount.
Orders canceled after 72 hours since paid before shipment will get 30% refund of total amount.
Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
Tip: To ensure the correct items are ordered, we suggest that you read the products' detailed description carefully before ordering. If unsure, you can send us email to
Order Exchange
For all exchanges, please contact us first within 7 business days from receipt of product(s).
Any balance remaining after your exchange will be refunded to you.
All exchanges on new, unused items only. Damage has caused (or miss handled) by customer will be customer's responsibility.
New item will be shipped out after the original item is received.
(please contact our customer service ( department to ask for the right returning address, the address on you parcel is not our returning address and all wrong or missed returning will be your responsibility)
Return Policy
If you are not 100% satisfied with the items you received, we can easily arrange an return or exchange for you within 7 calendar days from the date of signing. Please keep the item(s) you want to return or exchange in its new condition. Most returns can be processed within 2-7 business days after we receive your package. Return without permission is not acceptable.
Please kindly note, the wig will exist color difference slightly due to different monitor, when wear the wig at first time, please comb and restyle it again due to delivery, before shipping out items, our quality department check it carefully and our wigs expert style it well.
(please contact our customer service department to ask for the right returning address, the address on you parcel is not our returning address and all wrong or missed returning will be your responsibility)
Please pay attention to that the original shipping charges are non-refundable. And for orders with free shipping, $20 shipping fee will be incurred.
Important information about the returned item:
• Items should be in no used state, with no changes. Items that have been colored or washed are non-returnable.
• The returned merchandise must be contained in its original package with all inserts. If not, the expense for the lost item will be deducted from the refund.
• All return shipping costs will be the customer's responsibility.
• Please return the merchandise via post office.
Once the returned item is received and inspected, your refund will be processed and returned to you in the same way you pay the order. Please allow two business days to deal the returned item. Buyer needs to pay for the return shipping fee. We will give you the refund within 3 working days after we receive it and confirm it is in brand-new unused conditions without any damaging or dirt or perfume problems.
Return Address
Please do not send your package back to the address on your package. That is not an effective return address and will cause your package to be lost. And you are responsible for the loss due to the wrong address. So please contact the customer service and they will spare no effort to help.
If you have any questions for the returns and exchanges and shipping cost, please feel free to contact our customer service: